Toy Pom Puppy

Toy Pom Puppy


Weight‎: ‎3 to 7 pounds
Height: 20 cm (Adult)
Colors: White, Black, Grey-shaded, Tan, Brown, Orange
Life span: 12 – 16 years

Toy Pom Puppies Client Testimonial

Happy Toy Pom Puppy Owner

Our experience with Dav Pet Lovers and their Toy Pom was fantastic! The puppy is adorable, playful, and incredibly smart. We were impressed with the breeder’s attention to detail and commitment to ensuring the health and well-being of the puppies. Dav Pet Lovers provided excellent customer service and support throughout the adoption process. Thank you

Finding a Toy Pom Puppy for Sale

Looking for a Toy Pom puppy for sale near you? Look no further than Dav Pet Lovers, your trusted pet shop offering adorable Toy Pom puppies. Whether you’re in Delhi or the National Capital Region (NCR), we have the perfect Toy Pom pup waiting for you!

Our selection of Toy Pom puppies is unmatched, and we take pride in providing healthy and well-socialized companions to loving homes. If you’re specifically looking for a Toy Pom puppy for sale in Delhi or Delhi NCR, you’re in luck! We have a variety of Toy Pom puppies available, each with its unique charm and personality.

Finding your dream Toy Pom puppy is easy with Dav Pet Lovers. Our experienced staff will assist you in choosing the perfect puppy that matches your preferences and lifestyle. We prioritize the well-being of our puppies, ensuring they receive the best care from birth until they join their new families.

To discover your ideal Toy Pom puppy for sale, visit Dav Pet Lovers today. We are conveniently located in Delhi and serve the entire NCR region. If you’re searching for “toy pom puppy near me,” don’t hesitate to reach out to us for more information or to schedule a visit. Your new furry friend is waiting to bring joy and love into your life!

Characteristics of a Toy Pom Puppy

A Toy Pom puppy, also known as a Pomeranian, is a small and adorable breed with distinct characteristics that make them incredibly popular as pets. Here are some typical characteristics of a Toy Pom puppy:

  1. Size: Toy Pom puppies are tiny and compact. They belong to the toy group of dog breeds, and their small size makes them suitable for apartment living and easy to carry around.
  2. Fluffy Coat: One of the most striking features of a Toy Pom puppy is its luxurious double coat. They have a dense, fluffy undercoat and a long, straight outer coat that stands out. Their coat comes in a variety of colors, including orange, black, white, cream, blue, sable, and more.
  3. Plumed Tail: Toy Poms have a distinctive plumed tail that is set high and carried over their backs. The tail’s fluffy appearance adds to its overall charm.
  4. Alert Expression: These puppies have bright, expressive eyes that give them a lively and alert expression. Their eyes are usually dark and almond-shaped, adding to their endearing appearance.
  5. Energetic and Playful: Toy Poms are full of energy and have a playful nature. Despite their small size, they can be quite active and enjoy playtime and walks with their owners.
  6. Intelligent: Toy Pom puppies are intelligent and can quickly learn commands and tricks. This trait makes them relatively easy to train, especially with positive reinforcement methods.
  7. Affectionate and Loyal: They form strong bonds with their owners and are known for their affectionate nature. Toy Poms often crave attention and enjoy spending time with their human family members.
  8. Alert Watchdogs: Despite their small size, Toy Pom puppies have a big personality and make excellent watchdogs. They will often alert their owners to any potential intruders or unusual sounds.
  9. Socialization: Early socialization is essential for Toy Poms to develop into well-adjusted adult dogs. Exposing them to various people, animals, and environments helps reduce any tendencies toward shyness or fearfulness.
  10. Long Lifespan: Toy Pom puppies have a relatively long lifespan compared to some other breeds. With proper care and attention to their health, they can live up to 12 to 16 years or more.

Overall, Toy Pom puppies are charming, affectionate, and lively companions that bring joy and happiness to their owners’ lives. However, it’s crucial to remember that individual personalities can vary, so spending time with a specific puppy before adoption is recommended to ensure a good match with your lifestyle and preferences.

Taking Care of Your Toy Pom Puppy

Taking care of your Toy Pom puppy is a rewarding experience that involves providing them with love, attention, and proper care to ensure a healthy and happy life. Here are essential tips for caring for your adorable little companion:

  1. Nutrition: Feed your Toy Pom puppy a balanced diet of high-quality, age-appropriate dog food. Ensure the food is rich in nutrients to support their growth and maintain their energy levels.
  2. Regular Vet Checkups: Schedule regular visits to the veterinarian for vaccinations, health checks, and preventive care. This helps detect any health issues early on and keeps your puppy up to date on vaccinations.
  3. Exercise: Despite their small size, Toy Poms need regular exercise to stay fit and prevent obesity. Short walks, interactive play sessions, and mental stimulation activities are ideal for their active nature.
  4. Grooming: Their fluffy double coat requires regular grooming to prevent matting and tangles. Brush your Toy Pom puppy several times a week and consider professional grooming to maintain their coat’s health and appearance.
  5. Dental Care: Toy Pom puppies are prone to dental issues, so establish a regular teeth-brushing routine and provide dental treats or toys to promote oral health.
  6. Socialization: Early socialization is crucial to help your Toy Pom puppy become well-adjusted and friendly around people and other animals. Expose them to different environments, experiences, and positive interactions from a young age.
  7. Training: Start training your Toy Pom puppy early using positive reinforcement techniques. They are intelligent and can learn commands quickly, making training an enjoyable experience for both of you.

Common Health Issues in Toy Pom Puppy

Toy Pom puppies, like all dog breeds, can be prone to certain health issues. While not all Toy Poms will experience these problems, it’s essential for owners to be aware of potential health issues to provide proper care and seek veterinary attention if needed. Common health issues in Toy Pom puppies may include:

  1. Dental Problems: Toy Poms are susceptible to dental issues such as dental plaque, gum disease, and tooth loss. Regular dental care, including brushing their teeth and providing dental treats, can help maintain oral health.
  2. Luxating Patella: This condition occurs when the kneecap dislocates from its normal position. It can cause lameness or limping and may require medical intervention.
  3. Tracheal Collapse: Toy Poms have delicate tracheas, which can collapse or become irritated. Avoid using collars and opt for a harness to reduce pressure on the neck.
  4. Hypoglycemia: Toy Pom puppies are at risk of low blood sugar levels, which can lead to weakness, tremors, and even seizures. Feeding them small, frequent meals can help prevent this condition.
  5. Eye Problems: Toy Poms may be prone to eye conditions such as cataracts, dry eye (keratoconjunctivitis sicca), and progressive retinal atrophy (PRA).
  6. Skin Allergies: Some Toy Pom puppies may develop allergies, leading to itchy and irritated skin. Identifying and avoiding triggers and proper grooming can help manage these issues.
  7. Patellar Luxation: This condition occurs when the kneecap (patella) moves out of its normal position, causing pain and difficulty walking.


Are Toy Pomeranians good with children and other pets?

Toy Poms are generally good with children and other pets when properly socialized from a young age. Their small size may make them better suited for families with older children who understand how to handle small dogs gently.

How much exercise do Toy Pom puppies need?

Toy Pom puppies have plenty of energy, but their exercise needs are not excessive due to their size. Short daily walks and interactive playtime are usually sufficient to keep them healthy and happy.

Are Toy Poms hypoallergenic?

No, Toy Poms are not hypoallergenic. They have a double coat that sheds, although regular grooming can help manage the shedding and reduce allergens in the environment.

What is the average lifespan of a Toy Pom puppy?

Toy Poms have a relatively long lifespan compared to larger dog breeds. On average, they can live between 12 to 16 years, with proper care and attention.

How often should I groom my Toy Pom puppy?

Toy Poms require regular grooming to keep their fluffy coat in good condition. Brushing them a few times a week is recommended to prevent matting and tangles. Professional grooming every few months can also help maintain their coat.

How do I house train my Toy Pom puppy?

House training a Toy Pom puppy requires patience and consistency. Establish a regular potty schedule, reward them for going outside, and use positive reinforcement when accidents happen indoors. Avoid punishment, as it may cause anxiety and hinder the training process.

Can Toy Pom puppies be left alone for long periods?

Toy Poms are social dogs and can suffer from separation anxiety if left alone for extended periods. They thrive on human companionship, so it’s best to limit the time they spend alone and provide them with interactive toys and mental stimulation when you’re away.

Do Toy Poms bark a lot?

Toy Poms are known for being alert and may bark to alert their owners to strangers or unusual sounds. Proper training and socialization can help manage excessive barking tendencies.

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